LLC «Agrofirma FAT»

LLC “AGROFIRMA FAT” manufactures and markets a wide range of products: sweet carbonated drinks, ice tea, juice drinks, natural kvass, mineral medicinal table water and drinking spring water. Following the consumers’ wishes, the traditional assortment is constantly supplemented by new types of products.

The Company is equipped with high-tech equipment of world-famous companies, such as KHS, GEA, Holvrieka, Sacmi, Krones, Bardi, Alfa Laval, Pentair, and others.

The system of personnel training involved in the production processes, in addition to internal

corporate training, includes regular participation of the company employees to refresher

courses, participation of the company’s experts in seminars and professional master classes.

The factory may be called one of the most advanced in Russia considering its technical

characteristics and personnel capacity.




Sweet carbonated drinks "Tbau mountain" are based on mountain spring water and natural

ingredients, therefore, they are suitable for both adults and children. A wide range of this group

of drinks is able to satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding consumers. It is not the first year that "TBAU Mountain" drinks become an indispensable attribute of almost any holiday feast


Pear / Estragon / Cola / Orange / Pitahaya / Mojito / 

Glass 0.5 L

Sweet carbonated drinks “Tbau mountain” are based on mountain spring water and natural
ingredients, therefore, they are suitable for both adults and children. A wide range of this group
of drinks is able to satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding consumers. It is not the first year that “TBAU Mountain” drinks become an indispensable
attribute of almost any holiday feast.


Pear / Estragon / Cola / Orange / Pitahaya / Mojito / Bellflower /

PET bottle 1.5 l PET bottle 0.5 l KEGs

poor__baclazy background-logo

Sweet carbonated drinks “LIMNADA” are made on the basis of mountain spring water and are suitable for everyone who wants to treat
oneself to favorite tastes. They quench thirst perfectly.


Bananze / Cream-soda / Peach / Pear / Barberry / Lemon / Pineapple / Mojito

PET bottle 1.5 l PET bottle 0.5 l KEGs


Sweet carbonated drinks "Tbau mountain" are based on mountain spring water and natural

ingredients, therefore, they are suitable for both adults and children. A wide range of this group

of drinks is able to satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding consumers. It is not the first year that "TBAU Mountain" drinks become an indispensable attribute of almost any holiday feast


Orange / Cherry / Pear / Grapefruit / Feijoa / Lemon / Estragon / Pomegranate

Glass 0.5 L


Ice tea is very popular among the lovers of soft drinks because, due to its properties, it not only quenches thirst, but tones and gives vitality as well. It contains antioxidants and catechins, which fresh tea is rich in. Our Company buys ingredients for the production of beverages in Germany. It is not the first year that the well-known German company DÖHLER is a regular partner of our Company. Ice tea "Bavaria" is a good combination of mountain spring water and high-quality

ingredients produced in Europe: tea essences, juices


Wild berries / Peach

PET bottle 1.5 l PET bottle 0.5 l


“Kazbek Aqua” is meltwater of the glaciers of Mount Kazbek that has covered the way to the source passing through the natural filter of the Caucasus Mountains. "Kazbek Aqua" is a

low-mineralized sulfate-bicarbonate, sodium-calcium water with a high content of silicic acid.

The product has excellent taste and a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

The silicic acid contained in the water is an important building material for connective tissue. It helps to produce collagen and elastin, which make the skin more elastic and resilient, and strengthens bones and increases working efficiency. In 2017, "Kazbek-Aqua" was granted the status of "Eco-Product". A corresponding sign appears on the label indicating that this product meets the requirements of organic and environmentally friendly production. Water

"Kazbek-Aqua" is recommended by Report No. 1328 of 22/10/14 issued by the "Pyatigorsk State

Research Institute of Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency." It can be used in chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, liver diseases, diabetes, obesity, gout, etc.

PET bottle 1.5 L PET bottle 0.5 L


“Tbau” is a unique natural mountain spring water, which originates at an altitude of over 3000 meters in an ecologically clean, specially protected area of the North Caucasus Reserve.

For centuries, the melted water from the Main Caucasus Range glaciers has been passing through the natural filter, through the mountain strata, being harmoniously enriched with useful microelements (such as Mg, Ca, Na), and comes to the surface at the foot of Mount Tbau. Right from the source it is transported for bottling at the company’s factory. It is known that calcium-rich water helps to strengthen bones. Magnesium is necessary for normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It is important that the spring water “Tbau” contains the minimum amount of sodium. The Water Resources Center of RNO-Alania has been analyzing this water for three years and came up with the final conclusion that this water is stable, i.e. the composition of the product remains unchanged regardless of external conditions. Spring water "Tbau" effectively quenches thirst, gives the body the necessary charge of strength and energy, has no contraindications and is good for daily consumption.

In 2016, the water “Tbau” became the bronze medal winner of the international festival in Czechia. The product was awarded the competition’s special category medal among hundreds of other samples, and LLC “Agrofirma FAT” became the only Russian company that won the prize in this nomination. In 2017, “Tbau” also received the status of “Eco-Product” with the right to apply the appropriate sign on the label.


Kvass is a traditional Russian drink. Besides a pleasant refreshing taste, it has many beneficial properties: it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and contains a number of

vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. On the basis of ancient recipe and spring water, our technologists developed the most popular “Bread Kvass”.


Bread Kvass

PET bottle 1.5 l KEGs